Saturday, August 14, 2010

White Sugar

I was born into a world where sugar was white and came in paper packets. Later on, paper was swapped for plastic.
I found out that white sugar was extremely poisonous owing to the process by which it is whitened, as are many other foodstuffs. Common knowledge today of course. You can always buy brown sugar ,though I wouldn't be surprised to find that it has also been chemically treated to make it brown!
To make matters worse, I'm a three-teaspoonfuls-to-a-cup kind of person, at eight cups a day! What a dilemma!
Why this fixation with white sugar? Anything less than white strikes us as unclean, impure. So instilled is this idea, that we willingly go to an early grave. Consumers of white sugar never get to voice their anger at the way things stand, they are never taken seriously. In fact, consumers are seen as the villains of the story - having no self-discipline, sugar addicts - and it is as highly addictive as any hard drug - irresponsible souls bent on their own self-destruction.
Has anyone tried to put pressure on the sugar-producers? Has any government body anywhere tried to improve the manufacture of sugar, so that it could be considered healthy and fit for human consumption?
Seems strange to live in a world where we don't get to decide the exactly what we eat!!!
Against poison food production! Foodstuff producers should be held responsible for what they produce!
No more poison in food!

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